April 14 – June 23, 2018
In 2018, Munich dedicates five months to Goethe’s most famous drama. All over the city, from 23 February to 29 July 2018, more than 200 partners and institutions present their projects dealing with „Faust“. The centre of the festival are Gasteig Munich and Kunsthalle Munich. Exhibitions, concerts, films, lectures, literary events, theatre and dance performances, parties, guided tours, competitions and much more: ONE DRAMA. ONE CITY. HUNDREDS OF EVENTS.
EYES ONLY is an official partner of the Faust Festival München
At one blow with his red and much-used boxing glove against the window front of EYES ONLY Charles Schumann picks up the topic in the true sense of the word. The passionate boxer provided EYES ONLY with some gloves from his own private collection. These are „on sale“ for a charity.
For further info please contact: look@eyesonly.Gallery